Missile Base Specialists

Rare Sprint Missile Site
Northern North Dakota

Over $3M
$1M - $2.9M
$500K - $999K
$300K - $499K
Under $299K

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Property Description
PRICE: $1,200,000.00
Own one of the rarest nuclear hardened underground structures in the world. This property was one of four Sprint Missile Sites located approximately 10-20 miles from a central radar control site. Constructed in the early 1970’s, these bases were a last line of defense meant to intercept ICBMs coming over the North Pole. There was only one Safeguard Complex ever completed, making this unique property an incredibly rare opportunity. This property was in US Government possession from its construction until 2013, when it was purchased at GSA auction. During most of that time, it sat empty and neglected. It was also partially salvaged (ie. Valves, motors, generators, electronics electric cable have been removed). There are still a lot of steel conduit and I-beams to be removed and either reused or sold for scrap.
This property consists of 36 acres fenced. The inner fence around the missile field is 8’ military grade chain anchored and ½” cable reinforced chain link fencing topped with barbed wire and the outer fence is ½” cable reinforced 4’ wire fence. There is a paved patrol road around the inner fence perimeter. The property is well hidden from the main road by hills and is 2.5 miles from the nearest paved road. The property has wonderful drainage systems.
The site is located 8 miles from the nearest town of about 2,000. From the roof of the underground building you can see approximately 10 miles in every direction. It’s a very defensible property!
The acreage is beautiful, rolling grasslands with two seasonal ponds (approx. 3 acres) which attract many birds including ducks and geese. Approximately one linear mile of trees were planted in 2013. The trees are a mix of cottonwood, linden, pine trees, and fruit bearing bushes. There are lots of local hunting and outdoor sporting opportunities year round.
Also on the property is a “missile field” that once contained 12 Sprint missiles that were ready for launch. They were housed in 12 steel missile tubes in the ground. Each tube is approximately 11’ across and 35’ deep.
A new water well was drilled in 2013 which supplies large quantities of water, but will need an RO system to ensure water is safe for drinking. As an alternative, or redundant system, rural water is available within ¾ of a mile.
The guardhouse is an above-ground, poured concrete, 2,400 square feet building complete with three garage bays, a kitchen, bathroom, office, and turnstile/security desk. This structure is heavily reinforced to withstand a nearby nuclear detonation. Electricity was reconnected in the summer of 2013 and the guardhouse has been professionally rewired and inspected including a new 200 amp service box. It has water systems, high efficiency propane central furnace and brand new propane hang up furnace in the garage bays both were installed in August of 2013.
The remodeled bathroom is functional with a brand new septic system, new hot water heater, new shower, new vanity/sink, and new toilet. The kitchen has a new refrigerator and is ready to install the brand new cabinets (included), and also plumbed for a propane stove (not included). Brand new, energy efficient windows have been purchased, but need to be installed. Although this structure has had a lot of updating, there is still work required to finish the renovation.
The main structure on the property is the underground Launch Control Center which is naturally dry since it was built on a hill and has earth mounded over it. It consists of 12,000 square feet on one level with 15’ ceilings and is divided into rooms of varying size by concrete walls. The outer walls are 30” thick and are heavily reinforced with large rebar.
Brand new electric service was professionally brought into the underground building including a large transfer switch suitable for hooking up a generator near the tunnel entrance and 2 new 200 amp service panels were installed, one at each end. A new septic system was installed for the underground building in addition to the one for the above ground building.
The structure is accessed via a 9’x9’ square concrete tunnel, approximately 75’ long that is usable for driving equipment in and out. At the bottom of the tunnel are 2 large blast doors for equipment and 2 smaller blast doors for personnel.
There are 2 large concrete towers above the structure. The shorter one is approximately 25’ tall is the intake tower and the taller one, approximately 30’, is the exhaust tower. These were originally used for the generator equipment.
Additionally, there are 2 heat sink buildings below grade. Each measures 20'x60' with 9' ceilings. These can be connected via tunnel to the underground buker if desired. They would make ideal addtional living or storage space.
Video Part 1 - The Property
Video Part 2 - The Limited Area Sentury Station
Video Part 3 - The Launch Operations Building
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