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Gorgeous ​Nike Missile Site

Northern Maine​

The Nike is one of the easiest sites to retrofit and has virtually unlimited development possibilities. They make fantastic investments.


Over $3M


$1M - $2.9M


$500K - $999K


$300K - $499K


Under $299K

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Property Description


Located close to New Brunswick (Canadian border), this is a really gorgeous site! Originally, there were three magazines; one magazine has been sealed by Army Corps of Engineers and is no longer accessible. T​wo magazines were steam cleaned, with all asbestos, hydraulic systems and elevators removed.  Precast cement planks are now installed over elevator openings. The current owners have lived on the property for almost 20 years and have landscaped the property, planted trees and fruit orchards, gardens shrubs and hedges. The surface buildings (barracks, missile assembly area, generator building) are in good condition with rubber roofs and include insulation, heat, power and working bathrooms. The Barracks Building has been converted into a 3-bedroom apartment, which could be rented out. An above-ground home constructed on the property offers an immediately livable space with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath.  If you love winter sports like snowmobiling, this is the place for you!


Financing: This site does not come with owner financing options. Buyer should be prepared for a cash sale by making funds available or securing financing.



  • ​Parcel Size: 17 gorgeous acres surrounded by farmland.

  • Taxes around $2000/year.

  • ​Approximately 10,000 square feet of underground usable space.

  • Original high security barbed wire chain link fence remains in-tact.

  • Power to magazines is turned off, though power can be reestablished.

  • Sump pumps still in place but not in use, owing to lack of power.

  • Property has original well with newer pump, water lines (to barracks, house and shop) & pump house.

  • ​ Air exchange systems, stairways and emergency ladders in magazines are in place.

  • The nearby town removes snow from the 500 ft. driveway from main road to gate. (a great feature)

  • Lots of winter sports activities to enjoy!

  • ​Property has a clean environmental report from Army Corps of Engineers, many original blueprints are available.


© 2019 20th Century Castles, LLC​


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